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Negative Interest Rates is the Way to Kill a Reserve Currency

Christine Lagarde said back in August that the European Central Bank still had room to cut rates if needed. However, she added that this could pose a challenge to...

Europe Moving to Worldwide Income Tax & International Wealth Tax

QUESTION: As I understand you’re writings, the € is not a good currency to be in. I’m South African and stay in the Netherlands for 13 years now....

Market Talk – November 5, 2019

ASIA: According to the FT, the US is considering removing some tariffs in an attempt to make a truce in the trade war. The cuts will be for around 112 billion USD...

Manipulating the World Economy

COMMENT: I just finished “Manipulating the World Economy.” What a wonderful book and actually a gift to those of us who attended the October conference....

US Economy Soft – But Holding

COMMENT: I find it interesting how the rest of the world is declining and Socrates forecast that the US economy would be only slightly weak going into January 2020....

Norway – the Confusion in Trend

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong. Does Socrates have an explanation of what is happening to the Norwegian Kroner? All the financial newspapers and banks here in Norway...

Market Talk – November 4, 2019

ASIA: US President Trump signaled on Friday that China wants to make a deal with the US. That the deal could happen in the US, more specifically the state of Iowa,...

The Two-Tier Currency Rate in Argentina

  QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Can you please explain how the Contado con Liquidacion exchange rate works in Argentina? It’s now at around 80 pesos per...

BREXIT – Live Decline & Fall of Western Society

Prime Minister Boris Johnson apologized on Sunday to Conservatives for failing to take the U.K. out of the European Union by Oct. 31st. Nigel Farage said he won’t...

Major Canadian Company Moving to USA

COMMENT: Here in Canada we just received devastating news this morning that our greatest company/ multinational is leaving & never to return. ENCANA has...