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The Future & the Destruction of Capital Formation

QUESTION:  Hi Martin – I have followed your blog for a long-time now. I enjoy reading a different viewpoint and somebody pointing out problems that...

Gates, Imperial College’s Ferguson Who Started this Nightmare & Jeffrey Epstein

Neil Ferguson of Imperial College in Britain is ground zero for this world lockdown. He even testified before the British Parliament and nobody really interrogated...

Gates & Fauci Conspiracy

The conspiracy between Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci is in the open. We now have Fauci saying the same thing as gates – the country will NEVER return to normal...

Rhapsody by Queen on COVID-19

Oppressing Climate Dissent & COVID-19 Dissent

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I am a regular reader of your blog from Poland and I highly value your opinions that spring from exceptional intelligence and...

Influence v a Cabal

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I don’t mean this against you specifically, but your latest post reminded me of It. I am in my 40s now. Ever since 9/11 I have...

Value of a Currency

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, You have said that money is not gold, or silver, or oil, or fiat currency, but rather represents the collective elbow grease and...

Market Talk – April 8, 2020

ASIA: India is planning to extend its nation-wide lockdown after many state governments requested to extend the lockdown retaining all or most of the existing...


PRIVATE BLOG – GDP Outlook Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Gates – Stupid or Diabolical?

  Bill Gates is obsessed with his theory on vaccines and is clueless with regard to the economy and all the loss of jobs. People should lose their pensions,...