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Our IPO & Rumors

QUESTION: A rumor at the cocktail party was that you were selling a 50% stake for $1 billion to Elon Musk. He is big on artificial intelligence so it makes sense....

Misrepresenting Our Forecast for the Start of Big Bang 2015.75

COMMENT: I find it really shocking how people are slandering you claiming you forecast that 2015.75 would be the collapse of everything instead of the peak in...

The International Politics is Impacting Where People Can Travel

COMMENT: Marty; I don’t think you realize that when Nigel Farage said your events are the alternative to Davos, there is no other event that has such...

Climate Change – There Has Been No Warming for the Past 18 years

  We do not endorse the veracity of this clip. It is offered to show what is out...

Market Talk – November 1, 2019

ASIA: The Asia Pacific trade pact is in jeopardy of stalling after India voiced last minute hesitations. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)...

Thank You for All The Birthday Wishes

I want to thank everyone for the birthday greetings and wishes. The fact that the Supreme Court has accepted my petition and ordered the government to respond on...

Public v Private Waves

QUESTION: Hi Marty. I am confused about the nature of the private wave we are currently in versus the public wave beginning in 1932. Does that mean governments will...

Repo Crisis

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I want to thank you and your staff for a great conference. It was the best ever. Your detailed review of the Repo Crisis demonstrates why...

Supreme Court has Accepted My Petition Against the Government

At the World Economic Conference, I announced that I had petitioned the Supreme Court after discovering in 2017 that despite the fact that the old company Princeton...