QUESTION: Your explanation of why increasing the quantity of money has failed seems to be the only explanation that is viable. Do you see the same outcome...
The airlines are hit really hard. United Airlines sent out an announcement that the qualification for their mileage status has been cut by 50%. “Since...
COMMENT: Marty, There seems to be a huge rift in the realty scope: I am a surgeon myself and I have two kids that are docs. My son says five are on ECMO in his ICU...
Armstrong Petition for Rehearing Many people have written to ask if they can write to the Supreme Court because this is a battle for all of us against the bankers....
QUESTION: Isn’t Bill Gates linked with Al Gore and Greenpeace? Was he too using Greta? Wasn’t he funding covert political events in India? KR ANSWER: I...
ASIA: A group of Indian government ministers advised Prime Minister Narendra Modi to partially lift the lockdown imposed on March 25 for 21 days to sustain the...
QUESTION: Re The Consequences of Shelter In Place Hi Marty, It is very sad to see but reports of domestic violence are up considerably. The risks are always there...
QUESTION #1: Marty, you always said that gold and the dollar would rise during the monetary crisis cycle. I must admit, the fundamentals always seem to unfold to...
PRIVATE BLOG – The Incredible Dollar Shortage Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...
QUESTION: Marty, for the people within the EU it is absolutely critical to know what will happen when they go digital! Will there be a currency devaluation for bank...