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How to Stop Bill Gates – We Need Everyone to Write NOW!

  I have very good sources as most people know. Gates must be stopped by breaking up his monopoly on Health. How do we do that? You must get out your damn pen,...

Bill Gates & his Vaccine Pressure Campaign on the World & Incompetence of Politicians

  This guy is very dangerous. He has created a health Monopoly and there is no question that some people die from vaccines and has conceded that perhaps...

Gates Admits 700,000 People May Die from his Vaccine

  Personally, I think Gates has just proven he is a psychopath. He just admitted that 700,000 people would die from his vaccine and that’s OK, its...

Senator Burr & Family Sell Market 1 day after High – Feb 13th

What is emerging is precisely what I reported. I know for a fact that there were very high up people who sold even everything that they had at the end of January...

Market Talk – May 6, 2020

ASIA: China is aiming to complete work on its space station within about two years, officials said after the launch of a new spacecraft on Tuesday. China eventually...

Biden Wants Woman VP – But Not Hillary Knowing She would be One, OOPS, Sorry about that, Away from Power.

It’s often thought that a vice-presidential candidate has little bearing on the election, but many factors make Joe Biden’s choice a consequential one,...

Ferguson Resigns After Getting Caught Secreting Sex Meetings with a Married Woman While He has Destroyed the World Economy?

Here we go. The very claimed scientist whose advice led to Boris Johnson introducing lockdown measures to combat coronavirus has resigned from his government role...

Market Talk – May 5, 2020

ASIA: Early this morning, China launched a pivotal new rocket, carrying a prototype deep-space spacecraft. China declared the launch a success, and it now paves the...

Food Shortages Set in Motion by Politicians

COMMENT:  Dear Martin, it is amazing what your computer is picking in advance. In Germany we now have the French fries crisis. (Reported now by N-TV) Do to the...