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Market Talk – October 15, 2019

ASIA: China talked positively about trade with the US, saying they will step up purchases of US agricultural products. Chinese foreign minister Geng Shuang stated...

Why is Socialism Dying?

QUESTION: Martin, You repeatedly say that Socialism is dying. I live in a rural area of Oregon. As a personal observation, what I see around here is that more...

Changes are Coming in 2020

QUESTION:  I have a question, you wrote : “Those in Europe who have a position in cash, it may be better to have shares or a private sector bond or US...

Vespasian: “I Think I’m Becoming a God”

QUESTION: Greetings Mr. Armstrong, Do we know if Vespasian meant his last words as ironic or literally? It seems that a man of his history meant it ironically. That...

PRIVATE BLOG: Understanding Models v Levels

PRIVATE BLOG – Understanding Models v Levels Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

Market Talk – October 14, 2019

ASIA: According to Bloomberg, China wants to hold out for more talks before agreeing to “phase one” of the trade deal. Meanwhile, US Treasury Secretary Steven...

Forex Trading into 2021

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I have been following you for about 5 years now and have been to 2 WECs. At the beginning of last year, I ventured into the forex markets with...

Super Camera Can Find You in a Crowd – No Place to Hide

If you thought you could hide, you will soon need a face transplant to do so. Chinese scientists at the Fudan University and Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine...

Central Banks Trapped by Their Theories

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I can understand how JP and EU backed themselves into a corner with negative rates. Happy to give them the benefit of the doubt when this all...

Municipalities Going Bust Everywhere

We must understand that municipalities are going broke everywhere in the West. More than 50% of the municipalities in Germany are in trouble. We see the same trend...