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Winter Wonderland – Volatility in Weather & Communism

Our computer models have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is absolutely no basis for human-caused global warming and that the climate has ALWAYS...

The Climate Change Fraud Used by Marxists When Communism Failed

This is a good documentary on the subject of human-caused climate change. In a court of law, the evidence argued by the global warming crowd is absolutely a joke...

Using Courts to End Fossil Fuels

In Alaska, attorneys for 16 young Alaskans have sued over state climate change policy. They are trying to shut down fossil fuels and arguing their case before...

Market Talk – October 11, 2019

ASIA: US President Donald Trump expressed an optimistic note at the end of the first day of trade talks in Washington DC. “We had a very, very good...

Europe – How Bad Can This Get?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I’m based here in South of England, within the commuter belt into London. The ECM forecasts an economic downturn 18.01.2020, and Europe...

Sweden – How Bad can it Get?

QUESTION: SOS from Sweden: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Please take a look at Sweden. I know you can not look at every single country but Sweden would be interesting since...

Canada Implements $368 Fine if Your Phone is Even Visible in Your Car

In Canada, they are now fining people whose cell phone is visible in their car. You don’t have to be using it at all. If it is simply visible it is deemed to...

Market Talk – October 10, 2019

ASIA: Today top officials from China will be meeting their US counterparts to kick off the well anticipated trade negotiations. Tomorrow President Trump with meet...

Italy Issuing Debt in Dollars – Not Euros

Italy today launched new debt in US dollars instead of euros in hopes of attracting dollar investors as the euro market continues to show signs of stress. They...

The Cost of a Political Divide

QUESTION: Trump Impeachment. Y’know Marty, since the Democrats have tried unsuccessfully for so long to find some dirt on Trump, the guy must be squeaky...