PRIVATE BLOG – Slingshots What Are They Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...
Bernie is not a typical career politician. He at least believes in communism. He preaches what he actually believes. Therein lies the problem. In California,...
COMMENT: Your emails are now blocked when I try to read your blog on my work computer. I work for a CA state government educational institution. The warning says it...
It seems that it does not matter if a rumor is true or false. What seems to matter is how it can be whipped up into creating some response just as the coronavirus...
QUESTION #1: Martin, I cannot believe the stuff you do. Truly amazing. I’ve got two questions, should you have any time: 1] if Coronagate is real, do you have...
The New York Stock Exchange will close its trading floors and go fully electronic. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo mandated that non-essential businesses have no...
Simon Property Group, which is the largest mall operator in the country, is closing all of its malls due to coronavirus starting 7 p.m. Wednesday. The wholesale...
ASIA: The Indian Bank Association had an emergency meeting on Monday evening to explore ways to lend a helping hand to businesses hit by the COVID-19 outbreak....