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Politicians Love a Crisis

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for your blog. It has taken the veil off my eyes. As I understand, not only is the hypothesis that mankind can alter the...

Market Talk – September 12, 2019

ASIA: US President Trump announced today that they will delay any tariffs on around 250 billion USD worth of Chinese goods as a “gesture of goodwill”...

Can Anyone Really Influence Elections?

QUESTION: Hey Marty, If the Labour (UK) and far-left Democrats (YUSA) can use fake news and outrageous lies to manipulate the outcome of elections, destroy the...

Can Government Prevent a Major Debt Crisis?

QUESTION: Hi Martin I recently stumped upon a documentary on Netflix about you and your model. I then went on and watched some YouTube videos. To me it makes...

Sunspot & Climate Change

QUESTION: If there are no sunspots, then why do we have the heatwave this summer. What were the sunspots in the heatwave of 1937? Seems like there is no correlation...

Market Talk – September 11, 2019

ASIA: Finally, some positive news from the US and China trade war as China announced they will exempt 16 categories of products from US tariffs today ahead of the...

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold Elected 3 Daily Bearish So Far

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold Elected 3 Daily Bearish So Far Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

Lenox Air Conditioner Manufacturer Cites Colder Temperatures for Decline in Sales

Despite all the global warming advocates, the air conditioner manufacturer Lenox came in well below Wall Street’s expectations, which were based on the claims...

How Was the Elite so Wrong with Trump?

The primary issue that the elite has utterly failed to understand is that there was a sense of hope when Obama was elected president. People believed that as the...

Japan Still Declining into 2021

QUESTION: When I saw your blog saying 2019 will be really crazy and chaotic year for Japan (Feb 2019), I was curious how bad it could be. It is always amazing to...