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Japan Still Declining into 2021

QUESTION: When I saw your blog saying 2019 will be really crazy and chaotic year for Japan (Feb 2019), I was curious how bad it could be. It is always amazing to...

Market Talk – September 10, 2019

ASIA: In a strategy to open Chinese markets to the international investors, China scrapped the rule that limits international funds to purchase Chinese stocks and...

Is Chicago Doomed?

COMMENT: Chicago is at it again. The new mayor, Lorie Lightfoot, is proposing a sales tax for high end professional services such as accounting, legal and...

Can AI Think?

QUESTION: In George Gilder’s book “Life after Google” he states: “AI cannot compete with the human intelligence that connects symbols and...

EU Parliament & How they Protect the Bankers

  A number of people have asked me to comment on Bloom’s speech on the floor of the European Parliament. He is incorrect in attributing the insolvency of...

Market Talk – September 9, 2019

ASIA: US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said today that the US and China has a “conceptual” agreement on enforcement concerns, stating positive progress has...

Advice for Trump – How to Win 2020

The New York Post reported that an American student who could not find a job with their degree was forced to simply leave the country. If I were Trump, I would run...

Elizabeth Warren’s Insane Proposals

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Elizabeth Warren’s proposal seems to lack any comprehension of the economic impact. She has said: “To put our economy — and...

Climate Change Has been a Routine Scare Tactic Since the 1930s

QUESTION: Is there a pattern? C ANSWER: For whatever reason, these people have been promoting that the cities will all sink and we are the cause of it all. They...

Fixed Exchange Rates Have Always Caused Major Financial Crises

Margaret Thatcher on the ERM Crisis & why even the euro will...