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Coronavirus Conspiracy to Eliminate Paper Money?

Many people are starting to question why this coronavirus has been whipped up into a major panic when the annual flu kills far more people. Perhaps they have...

The European Bank Scandal Nobody Talks About

Last October, the European Union’s (EU) top court ruled in favor of Polish consumers who took out mortgages in Swiss Francs, allowing them to ask Polish courts to...

The Great Educational Fraud

QUESTION: Martin Thanks for all you do. Being a student of stock market history I am never shocked by what I see in the market. I have been wondering for years what...

PRIVATE BLOG – Continuing Repo Crisis Nobody Understands

PRIVATE BLOG – Continuing Repo Crisis Nobody Understands Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

Elizabeth Warren Pulls the Plug on Her Campaign

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has pulled the plug on her campaign, reducing the Democratic presidential contest to a two-man race. All my sources have been talking about...

Market Talk – March 5, 2020

ASIA: India’s Supreme Court has overturned India’s central bank’s decision that restricted banking access for virtual currency trading. Following this...

Rigging the Democratic Elections

COMMENT: Marty, JB here. As always, I love you Man!!! I just watched the Joe Rogan interview with Bernie Sanders. I was impressed with Bernie’s clever use of...

Bloomberg Spent more than $5 million per delegate he won

Alexandra Petri wrote a very funny piece on Bloomberg’s fiasco: I’d like to speak to a manager about this election, please It is a very good read. I am very...

Biden Becomes a Not So Moving Target

I previously reported that the Ukrainian prosecutor who Biden demanded be fired, filed a suit against Biden’s improper use of power that cost him his job in...

Market Talk – March 4, 2020

ASIA: India’s central Bank Governor Shaktikanta Das told Bloomberg that he’s ready to act to shield the economy from the coronavirus and reiterated there’s...