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Forecasting Technical v Fundamental

QUESTION:  Hi AE….I have a thought/question/idea that is an observation, not a criticism, & begs a response. Have long noted AE’s reliance on...

Reports from Around the World

COMMENT #1: Here in Finland the biggest bank Osuuspankki has begun to deny access to deposit boxes. — The customer must have a “valid reason” to...

How Journalists Are Destroying Their Own Jobs

  This is clearly political. The numbers just do not support this panic they are less than the annual flu. Granted, they are rising now, but that is because of...

Inspector General Report Declassified Shows Democrats Funded Fake Steele Dossier

Sens. Charles E. Grassley and Ron Johnson, both committee chairs and top investigators, said last week that since the Steele Dossier was funded by the Democratic...

At What Point Do we Break? 4-6 Weeks?

The Prague The Memorial to the victims of Communism A friend of mine is in Spain. She is from Slovakia. She writes to let me know she has been locked down for 5...

Easter 2020


The End of Democracy?

COMMENT #1 : Dear Mr. Armstrong, I owe you an apology. For a long time I was of the opinion that the measures (lockdown, social distancing, flattening the curve)...

China v Gates – Spinning the Conspiracies

There are two schools of thought running around. One blames China for experimenting with Bat Viruses and insist that this was not intentional, but a leak from the...