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A Nose for Trading

QUESTION: I realize my opinion is of little consequence; but I find something interesting and needed to share. After doing a lot of backtesting using many criteria...

Is the Thai Baht Finally Ready to Decline Against the Dollar?

QUESTION: The Thai baht has been very strong for some time now. It doesn’t seem to be affected by the China – US trade war. Is the Thai baht a safe...

Market Talk – August 27, 2019

ASIA: Contrary to US comments that two calls were made over the weekend, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said that he did not hear of any call being...

Life & How it Evolves

QUESTION: Martin; What was the tipping point in your investing infancy that flung you to believe you could invest for others? If so can you tell us the trade? And...

The True Nature of Socialism – Exerting Power

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for everything you do so well. My question to you is, “Do you agree that absolutely anything paid for using...

Germany & the SPD Proposed Wealth Tax

Acting SPD leader Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel has drafted a concept for a wealth tax. He is proposing that this will bring the federal government €10 billion...

Market Talk – August 26, 2019

ASIA: Over the weekend, the Hong Kong protests began to turn violent with the police stating 100 rioters were armed with weapons. Police fired a live warning shot...

The Bond Bubble & the WEC

QUESTION: Marty, you have said this is the historic bond bubble of all times with interest rates at a 5,000 year low. Will you elaborate on the bond bubble at the...

The Biggest Bubble in Modern Financial History

QUESTION: You said before you were advising corporates to issue long-term bonds and lock in the low rates. Even the US Treasury seems to be following your advice...

Advising Trump

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you deny advising Trump. Yet you are the only person who had forecast that the US was holding up the rest of the world economy which he...