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PRIVATE BLOG – The Dow Decline & Slingshot

PRIVATE BLOG – The Dow Decline & Slingshot Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

The Fed is Acting Precisely on the Forecasts of Socrates

The Federal Reserve called a third emergency meeting to combat the economic impact of the unprecedented hyped coronavirus. A lot of emails have come in noting that...

Has the Press been Scolded for Assisting in Creating this Panic?

Behind the Curtain, the press has been scolded in their part of creating this panic. The senior management has even woken up that they are committing suicide for as...

We do Have to Get Beyond the CDC

COMMENT: Hi Mr Armstrong,   I don’t know if there are advisers around the president that ae keeping you from explaining to him what is at stake so I started...

What Happens to the Money Politicians Raise After they Drop Out?

QUESTION: What happens to the money politicians raise and then they drop out? Do they keep it? MH ANSWER: Actually, they use to pocket it, tax-free of course. Did...

Anti-Semitism, Christianity, Confiscating Assets, Banking Conspiracies & Capitalism

QUESTION: You seem to always be against conspiracy theories except that it always comes down to government against the people. Why are most of the bankers Jewish?...

Nanotechnology & the Next Soldier

Both the United States and China have been in a new military arms race that has not made the headlines. While there are all sorts of conspiracy theories running...

PRIVATE BLOG – Global Market Outlook

PRIVATE BLOG – Global Market Outlook Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Is Anthony Fauci the Destroyer of Worlds?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you very much for your dedication and hard-work educating those people that are willing to listen. Thank you for being here...

TAX CRS Reporting & Why The European Flight to the Dollar

QUESTION: Marty, To those of us in the eurozone who own physical gold, what would you suggest to do? Thanks for keeping your human heart. Kind regards, KVS ANSWER:...