QUESTION: Martin, I appreciate all the information that you provide and just got done reading about money shortage and hoarding. Would it be good for US...
ASIA: Hong Kong protests have entered in to the 18th weekend, in which there has been no slowing down to the protests and violence has been escalating. This weekend...
The precious metals Desk at JP Morgan Chase on September 16, 2019, was criminally charged by the U.S. Department of Justice with being a criminal enterprise for...
QUESTION: Sir, Given the liquidity crisis and the problem to arrive from Europe, I have a question for us Europeans: when you are talking about Europe and failures...
QUESTION: Do you think this impeachment will succeed in overthrowing Trump? SK ANSWER: The key to this affair is a threat – you do this or I will not provide...
QUESTION: Hi Martin, first of all thank you for being alive and bring your knowledge to the world. I am also worried for when you will not be here, wondering if...
What happens when the ECM turns down, civil unrest rises, and capital flees during a pending liquidity crisis? Find out at the "alternative to Davos!" Click below...
We are getting reports from clients in Hong Kong telling us that there is absolute chaos raging in the streets. People lining up at ATM machines pulling out cash. A...