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China – the Financial Capital of the World After 2032

QUESTION: Marty, You keep stating that the center of Finance will move to China. However, the world distrusts China, rightly so. How can they become the Financial...

Market Talk – June 7, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: Chinese technology giant Huawei signed a deal with Russia’s largest telecoms operator MTS to develop 5G technologies and launch a...

Could the Great Depression Have Been Prevented?

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I appreciate all you share. I watched a series on the Great Depression and they talk about how socialism saved capitalism. If true, is this...

Trump v Federal Reserve – Why?

QUESTION: Good afternoon Martin, Do you gander that President Trump is aware that a higher dollar will cream the economy and is doing all he can to fight that...

The Next Cycle in the ECM Beginning January 2020

QUESTION: Martin, I am a huge fan of yours and have followed your blog for probably 8 years now, I watched your many predictions using the AI models and have been...

Market Talk – June 6, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: President Xi of China met with President Putin in Moscow today. Xi mentioned he and Putin have a “deep personal friendship.” President Xi will...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Dow into July

PRIVATE BLOG – The Dow into July Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

The International Unit of Account

QUESTION: I only recently learned of your material and am still digesting it. I appreciate that you encourage critical thinking. I hope you find my questions of the...

Schengen Agreement Dead – Killed by Refugees

COMMENT: Dear Martin, you are once more right with your view’s. EU’s Schengen agreement is going to die. From May 1st on, anybody in the EU has to carry...

Which Roman Emperor was Really “the Great”

QUESTION: Why Constantine the Great? Mr Armstrong, Of the 170 or so Roman emperors from 27BC to 476AD only one carries the title “the Great” and that...