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ETF v Mutual Fund

QUESTION: Are ETFs really better than a mutual fund for tax purposes? HS ANSWER: The primary difference between mutual funds and ETFs (exchange-traded funds) is...

Market Talk – May 8, 2019

ASIA: China stated they will take required countermeasures if the US raises tariffs to 25% on 200 billion’s worth of Chinese goods. “The Chinese side deeply...

Market Talk – May 7, 2019

ASIA: US trade representative Robert Lighthizer has accused China of backtracking on agreement within trade talks but has insisted a deal with China is still...

Creating the Euro & Germany Was Denied the Right to Ever Vote to join the Euro

COMMENT: Marty; I just wanted to say that this WEC in Rome was one of your best, NOt that Nigel Farage was there calling you the alternative to Davos, but you...

Robo Trading v Human Trading

QUESTION: So is there any difference between a Robot and a person trading if they just follow the same system on a single market? ANSWER: Any system that is created...

The End of Diversification?

Recent years there has been a shift in how various assets classes are trading. There is emerging a high degree of positive correlation among various financial asset...

Trump’s China Tweet

Trump wrote on Twitter over the weekend that tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods could rise to 25%. He said that a 25% tariff will soon be assigned to a...

Macrone Orders Italian Language to No Longer Be Taught in France

Macrone just signed a law where Italian will no longer be taught in France. The idea that Europe is one big happy family is so far from reality that this is part of...

How Did Rome Put Money into Circulation with no Central Bank?

  QUESTION: How were ancient coins placed into circulation? DR JB ANSWER: That is actually a very interesting question. As the legend goes, the Gauls...

WEC 2019 Rome The Great Unknown

This year’s World Economic Conference was most interesting. We really had to put our thinking caps on because we have entered the Great Unknown where...