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Amazon Did Sell Out in less than 3 Hours

Apparently, they sold out in less than 3 hours before they were even available for Canadians or others outside the country. Amazon said we might sell out by...

Amazon May Have Sold Out in 3 hours

We are trying to find out from Amazon why the book went up for sale and many people wrote in to say they bought it. First, it said delivered by 27th, then January...

Iceland Buried in 30 foot Snowfall

The biggest snowstorm in recorded memory has hit Iceland. The Emigration Center is under 30 feet of snow. It has never snowed like this so horses typically remained...

Manipulating the World Economy – Now Available for Pre-Order on Amazon

"Manipulating the World Economy" is currently sold out. We will make an announcement once the book is back in stock on Amazon. In the meantime, interested customers...

Market Talk – December 20, 2019

We’d like to wish all of our readers a Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Market Talk will resume after a brief holiday break on December 30, 2019. ASIA: The...

Wikipedia: Fake News & Propaganda – A Tool of the Deep State?

Wikipedia is a professional propaganda organization that allows fake news and outright illegal propaganda to dominate the internet. Most schools no longer accept...

The ECB & its Green Agenda

QUESTION: Marty, what do you think about Legarde claiming the top priority of the ECB is climate protection? DK ANSWER: The proposition that the primary objective...

Warfare & Killer Robots That Can Change Everything

It has been reported that China is selling its killer robots to the Middle East. These things will simply kill every human on the battlefield. This is clearly...

Market Talk – December 19, 2019

ASIA: A report from China suggests that capital flows are fleeing from the region at a record pace. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange commented that the...

Greta Thunberg When She Can’t Read a Script from Greenpeace

  Greta has been named “Person of the Year,” which is supposed to be a great honor. Of course, TIME is not without their flaws since in 1938 they...