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The Fate of Europe

QUESTION: Marty; Your capital flow models have been remarkable. Do you see Europe as ever getting its act together? We need support to get decisions approved as you...

The Consequence of War that Led to the German Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Everyone has a chart of the German DAX postwar. I have never seen a chart of the German stock market before the war. Do you have any? HVS ANSWER: Yes....

Market Talk – April 22, 2019

Asia: The somewhat controversial Chinese company Huawei posted a 39% increase in first quarter revenue, despite pressure from the US government. Huawei is investing...

Hillary Rejoices at the Arrest of Assange

Hillary Clinton has responded to the arrest of Julian Assange by saying effectively – FANTASTIC. Hillary claimed that Assange’s arrest had nothing to do...

Islam v Christian

At least 207 people were killed and hundreds more injured on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka. Suicide bombers sought to kill Christians in a coordinated attack...

Suicide Rate Doubles in France Among Police

The Yellow Vest movement is turning into a major confrontation demanding Macrone leave office. The French police are now protesting after 28 officers have committed...

Happy Easter – But Why Do We Call it Easter

Easter is historically the most confusing holiday. Besides the calculation being complex, the traditions are also a blend of various different cultures. I have...

HR2990 – Change the Law for Identity Theft

QUESTION: I have been hearing a lot about house bill HR2990 also Senate bill SR759 could you explain what this is supposed to do to our economy thank you S ANSWER:...

Netherlands Objects to France’s Attempt to get EU Funding in a Crisis

The Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, is objecting to France’s desired changes to the EU budget. France wants aid with the inclusion of the...