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Roman Coins Wash up on Beach in Florida

  There have been discoveries of Roman coins in Japan as well as in North America. There has even been the discovery of a Roman sword in Newfoundland. Now, a...

Market Talk – April 10, 2019

Asia: The EU has pledged to improve trade relationships with China, as well as improving the climate for foreign investors in the mainland. The signed declaration...

Hard Landing

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have a question that might interest not just me but also other blog Readers: In your blog Posts you write that you expect that we...

Preferred v Ordinary Shares

QUESTION: Hi Martin, What are your thoughts on preferred shares? Especially the ones with good quality DBRS ratings. Will the survive the downturn or will they...

Trump’s Agenda is Officially Dead

  We should not expect Trump to get any of his agenda items through Congress. Trump’s promises to replace the Affordable Care Act, invest in...

Market Talk – April 9, 2019

Asia: China wishes to ban bitcoin mining in an attempt to make the world a safer place – at least that is the positioning according to the Chinese National...

The New Brexit Party in Britain May Be Underestimated

Nigel Farage led the Ukip party to victory in the last EU elections in 2014. They won 24 MEPs and brough BREXIT to the forefront, however, Nigel split from Ukip...

The Marijuana Tax – How Did it Become Illegal & Why?

  Marijuana has been prejudiced over the years by people who have never understood the risks and because there was concern that marijuana might compete with...

Fear of Inflation & Sterilization

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you were friends with Milton Friedman. Do you agree with his view that the Great Depression was caused in part by the Fed refusing to...

Market Talk – April 8, 2019

Asia: Despite the global sanctions imposed on North Korea, China continues to work towards its own benefit. It was revealed that China has opened yet another border...