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Debt & the Point of No Return

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; First I want to thank you for coming to Europe this year. It has been some time since your Berlin Conference. My question is simple. How...

PRIVATE BLOG: The Dow – Euro – Capital Flows

PRIVATE BLOG: The Dow – Euro – Capital Flows Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

Market Talk – April 1, 2019

Asia: Japan’s emperor is going to step down at the end of the month, ushering in a new imperial era called “Reiwa,” which will focus on fortunate harmony and...

The Hunt for Taxes Altering the Economy

We are beginning to witness the impact of state taxes on decision making. California’s high taxes led to the San Francisco Giants losing Bryce Harper to the...

Turkey Elections

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) have won every vote since the party first came to power in 2002, but this time,...

The Sixth Wave & 2032

  QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong It was my great honour to meet you in Orlando in November. I couldn’t help hugging you! Thank you so much for all you are...

PRIVATE BLOG: The Share Market Outlook

PRIVATE BLOG: The Share Market Outlook Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

You Still Have to Feed a Parking Meter if you Park your Elephant

I use to live in London and I was taking some photos in a Royal Park on a Sunday. The police told me if I was going to take one more photo he would confiscate my...

Climate Change & Democrats Refuse to Vote

Despite all the outrageous rhetoric from AOC and her New Green Deal, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell brought the Green New Deal resolution up for a vote without any...

When the US Government Wanted to Run a Brothel

  QUESTION: Is it true that the government wanted to run a brothel in Nevada? GK ANSWER: That story is indeed really humorous. It is absolutely true that the...