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Lagarde – ECB – Euro

The central banks are keenly aware that they cannot stimulate economic growth, although they will not state that publicly. The wheel of fortune has completed its...

North Korea – Famine & Civil Unrest

One of the reasons North Korea has such a large army is not patriotism. Those in the army are fed before everyone else. North Korea has always had a major problem...

Market Talk – November 18, 2019

ASIA: A lot of pessimism in the news today regarding the US and China trade deal, with agricultural and concerns over intellectual property being the main sticking...

Custodial Risk in New York City

QUESTION: Hello Marty, Your commentary and Socrates’ predictive capacity is ground-breaking. I have been following you for years. Thank you for your time and...

Germany to Separate North v South by 2030

QUESTION: Martin, Following the recent State elections in Saxony, Brandenburg and Thuringia which reflected voter disillusionment and discontent with the CDU and...

The Coming Big Freeze

The BIG FREEZE is upon us. The volatility in weather that our computer has been forecasting on a long-term basis should result in this winter being colder than the...

Market Talk – November 15, 2019

ASIA: US White House economic advisor and Director of the US National Economic Council Larry Kudlow said negotiators between the US and China were in communication...

The Coming British Elections

QUESTION: I know you were rather close to Sir Alan and Prime Minister Thatcher. I also know you are close to a number of politicians here in Britain. I was at your...