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Supreme Court Did Not Rule on Civil Asset Forfeiture

  The US Supreme Court ruled UNANIMOUSLY (9-0) that the Constitution’s ban on Excessive Fines within the Eighth Amendment, is being reported incorrectly that...

The Illinois Pension Crisis – Giving The Pensioners All State Assets

The new proposal in Illinois is for the state to transfer its assets so that they are owned, not by the people, but by the state employees. These proposals will...

Toilet Paper Causes Climate Change

  It didn’t take long. They keep looking at every possible aspect to blame for climate change, so now it is toilet paper. The latest study says the...

Capitalism – Oligarchies – Socialism

COMMENT #1: Hey Marty, I’ve never written you in this vein, but (always extremely talented) rich guys saying “Let the chips fall, free market...

Three PRIVATE BLOGS Explained

We have created three separate membership options for the Socrates Platform( which are intended for three separate audiences. First, we have...

2019 Outlook Report

The 2019 Outlook Report covers the world. The Report will be priced at $1200 and will address the major markets. We will let everyone know as soon as it is...

Germany Brags It Has Record Surplus

The entire AUSTERITY policy of Germany is really oppressing its people to the point that their assets rank nearly the lowest in Europe and below that of even Italy....

Is Mind Control Real?

China is advancing in technology very rapidly. They have succeeded in connecting a human brain to the brain of a rat. This connection is then able to send an...

Professor Easterbrook Testified Before Congress with Real Data Showing Global Warming Ended in 1998

Professor Don Easterbrook, who teaches geology at Western Washington University, testified before Congress that climate change is cyclical. Easterbrook made it...