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False Flags – Not the Fringe Conspiracy but Reality

QUESTION: Are false flags by governments part of the end of this cycle or a modern practice? And why is it called a false flag? DK ANSWER: No – they are very...

The US Treasury Does Have the Constitutional Right to Mint Coins

QUESTION: Marty, You are wrong. The US Treasury can create the money as the Constitution says it can. Article I, Section 8, Clause 5. The Congress shall have the...

Market Talk – July 15, 2019

ASIA: China’s released new data today that showed the economy grew at the slowest pace in 27 years, with the trade war with the United States being the prime...

Understanding the Energy Model

QUESTION: Hi Marty I try not to bother you with questions, I know you’re plenty busy answering much more complex questions but I’m wondering if you...

Sweden Implanting Chips in Your Right Hand to Eliminate Cash

There have been many people who fear the forecasts of the Bible’s Revelations and the sign of the Beast that no one will be able to buy or sell without...

How Long Can Artificially Low Interest Rates be Maintained?

QUESTION: Dear Martin, First let me thank you for your paradigm shifting blog and the incredible conferences you and your team put together. They really are on a...

Senate Briefed on UFO Rash of Recent Sightings?

Well, the conspiracy takes are red hot that the aliens are coming and just waiting for us to self-destruct with World War III so they can inherit the planet....

Clinton Witness Removal Program?

There have been countless stories of how Jeffrey Epstein and the Clintons would fly around and go off to his secret places. When federal prosecutors announced sex...

Left’s Death Threats against Mini-AOC

The peaceful left has made death threats against Ava and her family for her imitation of AOC. Her family posted this on Twitter and announced that they have deleted...

AOC & Banking
