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Navalny – You Do Not Know The Truth

QUESTION: Why was Nemtsov’s mother afraid of the anti-corruption activist Alexi Navalny? You did not explain why. DP ANSWER: Alexei Navalny (1976-2024), as far...

US Teens Learn About Taxes

  A new trend is circulating on the internet, where parents in the US film their teenagers’ reactions to filing taxes for the first time. The US...

Yellen Believes People are Better off Post-Pandemic

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is proof that the establishment is completely clueless when it comes to the lives of the average citizen. “People are better off...

Study: Trump Would Have Won Election without Mail-In Voting

  A new study has found that widespread voter fraud amid the 2020 US Presidential election tipped the scales in favor of Joe Biden, whereas Trump “almost...

Get Out of NY Before It’s Too Late

I cannot stress enough that many businesses have been put on notice – get the hell out of NY ASAP! After Judge Engoron’s ruling, even the absurd Democrat...

Alexei Navalny – behind the curtain

COMMENT #1: “Tucker picked the wrong side. Guess Tucker won’t be going back to Russia for a while.” citing:...

Japan Slips to Fourth-Largest Economy

Germany has overtaken Japan to become the world’s third-largest economy behind the US and China. Japan’s economy contracted by 0.4% in Q4 after a 3.3% decline...

Putin Endorses Joe Biden

Vladamir Putin has endorsed Joe Biden as his choice for the 2024 US Presidential Election. “He is a more experienced, predictable person, an old-school...