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Market Talk- December 11, 2018

Following Wall Streets whippy session and especially their strong afternoon rally, many expected Asia to open firm. However, that was not what we saw and probably...

How Gov’t Violates Human Rights using Conspiracy Theory

Ireland is now claiming it needs to pass the Magnitsky Act to defend human rights. The greatest human rights violations take place in the legal system. It was Adolf...

When is Inflation – Deflation?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; the WEC was the best ever. The materials it took you a month to prepare in advance are amazing. Your insight into the difference between a...

Market Talk- December 10, 2018

More disappointment today for Asian stocks following the release of yet another weak economic data point. This morning markets responded to the poor trade data for...

BREXIT Vote Postponed?

Prime Minister Theresa May has postponed the final vote on her BREXIT deal, which is a clear admission that she does not believe she can get the unpopular...

Coldest December on Record in China

China is also experiencing the coldest day record during December 6 below zero C. Snow is falling in Beijing to Shanghai. It has been in the 70s in Abu Dhabi and in...

BREXIT Vote in Parliament

The House of Commons in the British Parliament will vote on Tuesday amid growing calls for the PM to go back to Brussels to renegotiate. Prime Minister Theresa May...

Clinton Foundation to be Investigated At Last

  All good things come to an end and this just may be the beginning of the long last decline and fall of the Clintons and their inherent corruption. The House...

The Coming Political Siege Warfare of 2019

  As I have warned, the next two years are going to be an outright political siege warfare. Far more damage will be done to the United States and the...

Weather Channel Declares November Coldest in 50 years

The Weather Channel just declared that North America just had its most extensive November snow cover in at least a Half-Century. We really face Global Cooling as...