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The Propaganda Trade on the Pound – History Repeats

COMMENT: Dear Marty, In your recent blog about BREXIT and the Yellow Hammer leak, you say: “British pound is still under pressure as the propaganda machine is...

Cities are Harassing Homeowners with Excessive Fines

I have been warning about the hunt for taxes. You must realize that the worst is unfolding at the state and municipal levels of local governments because they...

Market Talk – August 20, 2019

ASIA: A new report released from Australia highlighted Chinese military force in the region. The report suggests significant improvements in Chinese military...

Assets v Currency

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong. I read your blog daily, and i can t say thank you enough. on interest rate, you say market rallied when they got the rumors of...

The Fed’s Real Crisis – To Cut or Not to Cut

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to be the only person who distinguishes private interest rates v public. Has the marketplace gone insane along with Trump...

ECB Will Lend to Banks Long-Term in Hopes They Will in Turn Lend Again

Come September, Draghi at the ECB will make loans to Eurozone banks on a long-term basis at rates less than the short-term lending window. The objective is to...

Why the Remain Politicians Only Speak their Own Self Interest

COMMENT FROM UK: On the subject of Phillip Hammond and Brexit, this is just the latest in a long list of pro-elite politicians who are looking to protect their...

BREXIT & the Yellow Hammer Propaganda Pretend Leak

The report that paints the darkest possible scenario for Britain without ever mentioning that 60% of its trade is outside the EU and that any attempt by the EU to...

Market Talk – August 19, 2019

ASIA: There are reports of military personnel in the city’s largest sports complex across the Hong Kong border in neighboring Chinese city Shenzhen. This is a...

Asia 2019 Crisis

COMMENT: when you showed FX and stock markets of Asia in Rome, the computer did forecast quite some panic cycles for this summer – here we go ! JO REPLY: I...