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Swiss Occupational Pension Plan Turns Out to be a Ponzi Scheme?

  In Berne, Switzerland, there has been a redistribution in occupational pensions which has revealed that it too is not a funded pensions plan as people...

UBS to Begin Charging Fees to Withdraw Cash

UBS will charge a 2 franc fee for withdrawing cash at the bank counter beginning in July, be it a withdrawal in CHF from a UBS private account or from a UBS current...

Cycle of War & Religion

QUESTION: Hello Martin, on Sept 12th 2013 you wrote about the ‘Return of the crusades’. Now, 6 years later, with the massive migrant crisis still...

Market Talk – May 30, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: China accused the U.S. of “economic terrorism.” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the White House had “brought huge damage to the...

What were Roman Taxes v Modern Taxes?

QUESTION: You do a lot of comparison to the Roman Empire. What was the size of the government relative to GDP? Can you estimate that? GY ANSWER: The Roman economy...

The Real Wealth of a Nation

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Whereas for years you have put in a solid 5,000 year data for arguing for no individual taxes yet in countries around the Middle East there...

Polarization of the World in Trade & Taxes is Destroying Western Economies

  While there is a grave danger many speak of with trade wars creating protectionism, that is merely a reaction to the economic decline in the West. It is not...

Market Talk – May 29, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: There seems to be no end to the US-China trade deal in sight. China is signaling that it could increase tariffs on rare earth materials, which are...

The Dow into June 2019

PRIVATE BLOG – The Dow into June 2019 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Printing Money to Cover the Cost of Government

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I have read that Lincoln’s treasury issued “Greenbacks” to help fund the North during the civil war. 1. Was this a direct...