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USA Current Events

Big Bang – It Is Everywhere

Chicago may become the next Detroit. We can see this Big Bang unfolding everywhere around us at a very rapid pace. Moody’s Investor Services just cut Chicago’s...

NSA Staff Calling in Fake Bomb Threats to Get Refunded?

There have been multiple bomb threats called in against U.S. aircrafts, curiously timed in a possible attempt to support refunding the NSA. The threats, five in...

Strange Deaths Surrounding Wall Street

Thomas J. Hughes, a 29-year-old investment banker allegedly took his life by jumping from a luxury apartment building at 1 West Street in Manhattan last week. Per...

The Fed & Interest Rates: The Nightmare That Will Not End Nicely

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong; You have written that the Federal Reserve remains on track to raise interest rates later this year and this will accelerate the capital...

The Pension Crisis – Illinois Tops the List in the USA

Illinois is now regarded as the worst state in the nation, with respect to the prospect of a collapse in state pension. On May 8, 2015, the Illinois state...

NSA Supported by Republicans Who Have Betrayed the People

The National Security Agency (NSA) lost its authority at midnight to collect Americans’ phone records in bulk, after Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul stood...

VELOCITY of Money Below Great Depression Levels

The New York banks have been my adversary, to say the least. Alan Cohen, the court receiver put in charge of running Princeton Economics, was simultaneously on the...

Collapse in the Rule of Law: The Average American Does Not Trust Courts

The National Post has reported the sad state of the American legal system – there is nothing left. As they said, “The right to a fair trial just does not...

Why the Fed Will Have to Raise Interest Rates

The prospect of the Federal Reserve remaining on track to raise interest rates later this year is still settling in, yet people fail to grasp that raising rates...

Kiss Your Pension Fund Goodbye

  I have warned for some time that government was eyeing up pensions. There is about $19.4 trillion dollars in private pension funds. How will they justify...