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WEC We are Adding 50 more Seats – First Come First Serve – We cannot do any more

We have asked for a slightly larger room so we can add 50 seats. But this is the best we can do. We were trying to keep this to just 500 since we had 300 in...

WEC 2018 & The Greatest Trade of the Century

Yes this year at the WEC we will be handing out a special report that will set the stage for many markets. This will be provided to all attendees to this...

WEC Orlando November 16-17, 2018

This year’s World Economic Conference in Orlando will be the launchpad for what is to unfold as we move into 2020. We are holding it after the elections...

Singapore WEC 2018

We want to thank everyone for a great WEC in Southeast Asia and the venue was excellent. The turn of events in the Malaysian peninsula were right on schedule with...

World Economic Conference – Singapore June 15/16, 2018

Welcome to the Singapore World Economic Conference June 15/16, 2018. This will be a smaller more intimate session and we will be covering all of Asia. We are...

WEC Singapore June 2018

Unfortunately, the WEC in Singapore was tight on space. We stated at the beginning of this year that we would be reducing the seating for these events because they...

The Shift of the Financial Capital of the World to China

By 2032, China will dethrone the United States to become the world's leading economic powerhouse. This cycle has been exasperated by government mismanagement and...

Singapore WEC & The Conspiracy Begins

The emails have started with the conspiracy accusations that this is the second WEC when President Trump will be there in the same place. True, he was in the same...

Singapore Special Edition Asian Report

QUESTION: Will the Asian Report be exclusive to those who attend as was the case for Bangkok a couple years ago? It was also on TV back then and I think when you...

Singapore – World Economic Conference 2018

The Singapore WEC is being held as we now approach the timing for the markets to make their decision. This WEC will be focused on Asia, including Japan, China, Hong...