A number of emails have asked if this was the same Judge Walker who fined a lawyer by the name of William Veale for asking him to remove himself from an appeal...
QUESTION: Marty, Regarding the brief clip of Larry Summer’s opining on why economic declines are hard to predict, I was struck by the 2nd part of his...
QUESTION: Marty, it has become obvious that the analysts who try to attack you personally are the very people who hurt so many for they forecast only on opinion....
Questions submitted by the Spanish Press Q: You predicted an economic peak by October 1, and you suggest there may be a U.S. government shutdown on that day....
Kevin Barrett of Bailey Glasser LLP, a lawyer who argued to jail real estate developer Tim Blixseth in federal bankruptcy court, is now asking to extend the...
The New York banks have been my adversary, to say the least. Alan Cohen, the court receiver put in charge of running Princeton Economics, was simultaneously on the...
Some people have asked whether there is some legal means to readjust government and hold politicians accountable. There was once upon a time the legal right of Quo...
Back in 1999, I stood up in court and objected Alan Cohen’s demands for my lawyers to turn over tapes of conversations I recorded to protect me as a journalist...
Last night in Munich, lawyers in the audience debated when and if the collapse in the U.S. Justice System could happen in Germany. What the film is exposing is very...