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AI Computers

Why Do Nearly 40% of Billionaires Not Have College Degrees?

QUESTION: Why do nearly 40% of billionaires drop out of school? It seems like the most successful people are all dropouts. Would you explain why? Bill Gates Steve...

Warfare & Killer Robots That Can Change Everything

It has been reported that China is selling its killer robots to the Middle East. These things will simply kill every human on the battlefield. This is clearly...

Y2K & the Two-Digit Date Systems

  COMMENT: Was Y2K a possible problem ? I was programmer then systems programmer and Senior programmer for several companies in the late 1960’s into mid...

Artificial Intelligence v Sophisticated Analytics

QUESTION: Socrates vs Aladdin I would like to start by saying thank you for all the knowledge in an altruist way you provide to the world. Reading your blog is part...

Neural Nets v Neuromorphic Computing v Something Else?

QUESTION: You have never actually stated what type of technology is behind Socrates. Is it a neural network? Have you accomplished something nobody else has yet...

Can AI Think?

QUESTION: In George Gilder’s book “Life after Google” he states: “AI cannot compete with the human intelligence that connects symbols and...

Only a Computer can Forecast What no Human Has witnessed in Modern Times

COMMENT: Marty; I found my ticket to your Japanese session from March 1999 when you warned the audience the club was targeting the yen for March-end. You told...

Changing the World v Dark Forces of Corruption

QUESTION: Hi Marty ! How can we really expect politicians to make any kind of decisions when even the best humans can only think of 2 MAYBE 3 aspects at a...

China’s First AI TV Anchor

China has scored a real first and it may be an answer to the FAKE NEWS problem in the United States and Europe. A TV anchor has joined a Chinese news agency who is...