The Fed told Congress it would buy stocks if Congress allowed it. This statement has caused a lot of people to scratch their heads. Will this cause all the stock...
QUESTION: Marty; Why do you say your opinion is not worth much? You have been around for some time and you are the only analyst to have been behind the curtain. If...
Historically, crops fail during periods when the weather turns sharply colder. Rising food shortages coincide with rising aggression. This seems to be a link back...
QUESTION: What do you think of value investing? Bob ANSWER: As with everything, a cycle that you have to understand will unfold. Everything will move to extremes...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it appears to me that we are moving to the extreme in political correctness to the point it is creating children who can no longer rep the...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I recently read a book which claims that the disparity of wealth among nations is something recently unfolding post-Columbus. The thesis...
QUESTION: Have you ever been wrong? HS ANSWER: Since I am human, the obvious answer must be YES! I have stood up and explained at conferences how I made a...
QUESTION: You’ve just mentioned there remains a chance for gold to perform a slingshot move downward and then up in January. Does it still appear the Dow...
QUESTION: Hello, Mr. Armstrong. Some years back, I asked what would happen if everyone knew about the ECM. You provided an answer on your blog. Now, that the...
Visiting the Jail Cell Where Socrates Died COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Just spent the night in the ER with one of my kids. Waited hours for the results of the CT head...