QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I believe the difference between the Austrian school of economics and mainstream economics is that mainstream economists believe...
While so many people claimed that Quantitative Easing (QE) would produce inflation since it was the creation of money, the truth is very far from this simplistic...
The debate for socialism is simply that they regard it as unfair when anyone has more than another does. The solution is always to rob someone else to improve your...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you for coming to Athens. After the presentation, there were so many questions that the moderator did not have time for. You answered...
QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, is it true that stocks and gold are inversely correlated? ANSWER: No. That is not a correct statement. No relationship is static, other...
COMMENT: You said: “The wealth of a nation is the total productivity of its people. If I have gold and want you to fix my house, I give you the gold for...
We will update later on tonight after 9pm. But today’s close was WEAK, which was very good because many people were hoping for a strong bounce and the...