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Basic Concepts

ETF v Mutual Fund

QUESTION: Are ETFs really better than a mutual fund for tax purposes? HS ANSWER: The primary difference between mutual funds and ETFs (exchange-traded funds) is...

Funds Management & Trading – Behind the Curtain

QUESTION: Hello I read all your blogs and prescribe to your market reports. I will now attend my first event in Rome. For me it all makes sense. My questions is,...

To Live a Creative Life We Cannot Fear Being Wrong

QUESTION: Why do academics refuse to revise history when they are clearly wrong? This seems to be the same issue with their research on Global Warming. YK ANSWER:...

Understanding Share Prices will Rise When a Currency Falls

QUESTION: Hi Marty, The Venezuela vertical market chart you showed in your 9/7 post is quite interesting. To see historic examples is one thing, to see it happen in...

Iran and & Turkey Ripe for Revolution?

A Revolution is brewing not just in Turkey, but also in Iran. More than 100,000 people have taken to the streets chanting death to the dictator. The currency has...

Until We Understand the Real Wealth of a Nation Progress Cannot be Achieved When We Try to Eliminate the Business Cycle

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you have any comment on the latest excuse for the decline in gold is because Trump is forcing it down so he can buy it up and move to...

What to Advise Your Children to Do in Seeking a Degree

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You said that over 60% of graduates cannot find a job in what they have a degree. Is there any recommendation you would care to make on how...

The Path of Order Rather than Chaos Leads to Understanding

COMMENT:  If gravity is the most powerful force in the universe than the logic would collapse ECM to and that is not how reality is as you have discovered in the...

How Linear Thinking that has blinded most People

COMMENT: I think I now see the light. It has been my linear thinking that has blinded me. Gold rallied and failed as was the case with the euro, British pound and...

CURIOSITY that is the key to Everything

COMMENT: Sorry, the question being, how could it or could it be possible for, people first-time buyers, and foreign buyers to all happily own houses while...