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Basic Concepts

The Failure of Human Judgment

QUESTION: You have said it is a waste of time to try to persuade a government to act in advance of a crisis. Nobody seems to even come close to you with experience...

Great Alignment – Metals – Shares – Tangible Assets

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, I notice that the gold market and the Dow Jones they both had a high in January and since then they have been treading water, are these...

Direct Democracy – Is it Possible?

  The advancement in technology today certainly allows us to scrap the Republican form of government with pretend representation of the people by career...

The Nature of Panics

I have been asked my “opinion” with respect to the existence of a Collective unconscious in terms of the Carl Gustav Jung (1875 – 1961), who...

The Third & Fourth Reversal

Many have asked for some clarification on the Reversal System and how we use it to ascertain changes in real trend. As stated previously, trend changes ONLY on the...

Why are We All So Confused?

The three major distinctions in following what we do boils down to Multidimensional analysis merged with TIME and then PRICE. The Arrays give us a good sense of...

What Did the Pivots Confirm or Deny for 2017?

QUESTION: Marty; At your training seminar you did a couple of year’s ago, you said your pivot numbers will confirm or deny a high. What was the status on the...

Are We Losing the Training Ground for Trading?

  COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Really glad that you again warn us of impending famine moving into 2020 – 2030 and give us ample time to prepare though...

The Six Groups of Investors and Traders

​ The recent report by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), shows that the professional investors have continued to bet on falling Dow...

Wholesale Plagiarism?

COMMENT:  Good Day; Received this in my mail. Bloody Trolls! I hope you are not affiliated as they are in Florida also. Is this website allowed to use names like...