PRIVATE PRO BLOG – October Here it Comes Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...
QUESTION: Marty, Sometime you compare today’s financial markets and economy to what was going on in the mid to late 1920s . Woodrow Wilson is even referenced...
QUESTION: I realize my opinion is of little consequence; but I find something interesting and needed to share. After doing a lot of backtesting using many criteria...
QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, reading your blog daily I am wondering how much and what exactly has to change in the peoples’ minds apart from the global changes...
QUESTION: Hi Marty, are the current political events in Hong Kong linked to the turning point for Hong Kong especially with regards to the currency peg? Thanks for...
QUESTION: Hi Marty, Knowing that the financial capital will likely move to China after 2032, since that would be the peak of the public wave, where will someone in...
QUESTION: Martin, I am a huge fan of yours and have followed your blog for probably 8 years now, I watched your many predictions using the AI models and have been...
QUESTION #1: Thank you for choosing to live the strength of your convictions – especially through the terrible dark days of your solitary confinement. Thank...