COMMENT: Hi Martin, We can now see insanity developing to the full. As you or \ and Socrates predicted. The curtain has been pulled somewhat but we have not yet...
We are rapidly approaching 2032, where there will be the real Great Reset. We can all now “feel” 2032 coming. Our computer has made forecasts that no...
QUESTION: If I remember correctly, did you say that the 51.6-year cycle even applied to the wars of Athens in ancient times? GD ANSWER: Yes, you have a good memory....
While some economists are flipping from pessimistic to increasingly optimistic the US will beat inflation without a near-term recession, some still preach the...
PRIVATE BLOG – 2024 & the ECM Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...
COMMENT: Hello, I remember you writing more than once last fall that the week of Nov 9th was targeted by the computer for something significant. That week was the...
The picture of our times is without question quite depressing certainly on a moral foundation if not on the material side as well. Our government has been seized by...