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Stagflation is Here

QUESTION: When do we talk about stagflation? F ANSWER: We are already experiencing it. Normally, the standard definition of “stagflation” has been...

Inflation to Rise into 2034?

Inflation continued to surge, reaching 5.4% in September. Janet Yellen has never been right about anything and keeps calling this “transitory,” as if it...

PRIVATE BLOG – The IMF Forecasting A Great Depression

PRIVATE BLOG – TThe IMF Forecasting A Great Depression Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

The Black Market & the Future

QUESTION: Marty, you have said that if they move to a digital currency they think they will eliminate crime. What will happen to the underground economy? BH ANSWER:...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Coming Crises & Solution

PRIVATE BLOG – The Coming Crises & Solution Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

Shortages & Unemployment

The Federal Reserve’s take on the coin shortage says that there are ample coins in the economy, but the banks have also been closed so there was a shortage...

Lockdowns = Inflation

  QUESTION: Why is there a shortage in everything? Bicycles, sold out. Bicycle parts sold out. Cars delivered late, sold out. Laptops, delivery postponed, sold...

Biden – America’s Commodus?

Commodus (177-192AD), the notorious Roman emperor with whom history has drawn the line for the start of the decline & fall of the Roman Empire, issued this coin...

The Big Capital Shift – Economic Future of Uncertainty

Capital is flowing like never before. While governments are talking Great Reset and the IMF is pushing for abandoning paper money moving to a cryptocurrency in...

The Authoritarian Rule & The Post-2032 Hope

Based upon reports from inside several governments, the IMF has been directing all central banks to terminate paper money by 2022 and move to digital currencies....