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Ask to be Fired if You are Told to Stay Home

Since governments are overreacting, small business owners can help employees in many states by firing them so they can collect unemployment. Perhaps we need...

Why the Quantity Theory of Money is Destroying Capital Formation

There is no question that the fundamentalists #1 Golden Rule has been when stocks crash, run to bonds. We are entering the collapse in public confidence and this is...

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg Confirms this is an Insane Panic   What has taken place with this coronavirus is absolutely insane. This is seriously...

Marx v Aristotle

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you said that Marx was influenced by Aristotle. I have never heard that before. Would you care to explain? HF ANSWER: Aristotle...

The Fed Makes a Fool of Itself – There is no Santa Claus

This is the very essence of a financial crisis. Despite the fact that Trump cheered the Fed and they cut rates to ZERO, the risk was what would happen if the market...

Happy Pi Day – The Crack in the World Financial System

Happy Pi Day   I want to wish everyone Happy Pi Day. I would also like to say I have no symptoms and I did not shake the hands of the Brazilian Press Secretary...

PRIVATE BLOG – Goldman Sachs Forecasting Bull Market Over & the Crisis Ahead

PRIVATE BLOG – Goldman Sachs Forecasting Bull Market Over & the Crisis Ahead Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up...

2022 & Repo Crisis

QUESTION:  Mr. Armstrong I Hope your health is holding up with all the viruses. My first question is Feb 13 the Fed printing money increased by 13 billion however...

PRIVATE BLOG – Various Updates Have Been Posted

PRIVATE BLOG – Various Updates Have Been Posted Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

Democrats Starting to Split Over Bernie – Is the End of the USA Near?

One of the biggest donors behind the Democrats is Bernard Schwartz who is the CEO of BLS Investments. Schwartz has been trying to plead with Pelosi to support...