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Culture & Workforce Are Key to the Value of a Currency

QUESTION: Hi Martin – was reading your latest post where you say “All currency is backed by the total productive capacity of its people.” –...

Should Americans Hoard Cash?

  QUESTION: Martin, I appreciate all the information that you provide and just got done reading about money shortage and hoarding. Would it be good for US...

PRIVATE BLOG – Liquidity Crisis & Negative Rates

PRIVATE BLOG – Liquidity Crisis & Negative Rates Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

Thucydides Trap & War Between China & USA

QUESTION: What do you make of Trump’s proposal to restrict US investment in China? Will this send the US economy into recession as everyone is saying? DH...

PRIVATE BLOG – Liquidity Crisis & Dollar Hoarding Traces to Germany

PRIVATE BLOG – Liquidity Crisis & Dollar Hoarding Traces to Germany Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for...

Capitalism v Hybrid Capitalism

COMMENT: Every ISM has failed. Maybe we are seeing the twilight of Capitalism. China is a hybrid. Maybe that is why it will be the next world power. CM REPLY:...

Playing with the Facts to Fool the Majority

QUESTION: What do you say about the difference between corporate socialism and democratic socialism. Thank you. Its all the buzz among those supporting Senator...

Liquidity Crisis

COMMENT: Marty, you have made many unbelievable forecasts in so many markets around the world. But your forecast that we would see a liquidity crisis after Labor...

All Money is Backed Even Today!

QUESTION:  Hi AE, et al. Your blogs not only inform, but are actually entertaining as they give most of us a point of view we’ve never before contemplated....

Piketty is Back As Elizabeth Warren Adopts His Ideas

Thomas Piketty, the French economist from communism’s birthplace, is back and this time he wants to drive a stake through the heart of capitalism, end human...