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Economic Iliad & Odyssey

The term “iliad” in Greek mean a series of miseries or disastrous events and “Odyssey” meant a long wandering or voyage usually marked by...

The Student Suicide Rate Has Been Rising – the new Lost Generation

There have been studies on the riskiest jobs where stress causes higher rates of suicides. The medical profession seems to be at the top of the list, which now...

Are Two-Tier Monetary Systems a Possible Tool?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It seems few people even understand that there have been two-tier monetary systems. Do you think this can be a possible tool in the...

Hard Landing

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have a question that might interest not just me but also other blog Readers: In your blog Posts you write that you expect that we...

Fear of Inflation & Sterilization

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you were friends with Milton Friedman. Do you agree with his view that the Great Depression was caused in part by the Fed refusing to...

Debt & the Point of No Return

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; First I want to thank you for coming to Europe this year. It has been some time since your Berlin Conference. My question is simple. How...

Our Flawed Monetary System & Why it is Doomed

QUESTION: You mentioned that Rome had no national debt and no central bank. Exactly how did it function for 1,000 years? JY ANSWER: In addition to not having a...

The Risks of a Cashless Society

QUESTION: Hi Mr Armstrong, Thank you for continuous education. I hope to get your view on cashless societies. There are worries that nations will move to cashless...

Is Perpetual Prosperity a Fictional Dream?

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong…Thanks for trying to settle our confusion re: Griffin’s “Creature” You make a distinction between Gov’t...

Draghi – The Opportunity & the Nightmare

  I cannot stress enough that Mario Draghi has really destroyed the European economy on an unprecedented scale. I know people who worked on trading desks years...