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Understanding the New Age of Inflation

QUESTION: As an avid reader of your daily BLOG, I’m well aware of the attempt to abolish cash, potential freezing of bank accounts, years of negative or near...

Why Capital Flows Are the Only Real Guide to Market Trends

QUESTION: Hello Martin I wish all the best for you. The work you make every day to rise up our understanding about the world is amazing and make me feel a huge...

Governments Are Just Going Broke

The events in the Senate concerning the nomination of  Brett Kavanaugh’s illustrates that career politicians are destroying our way of life because they...

IMF Warns Britain not Brussels About Hard Exit – Another Political Forecast

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have tracked the IMF forecasts alongside yours and it clearly appears that they are mimicking you very closely. However, something...

Clinging to Old Theories of Inflation

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I think I am starting to understand your view of inflation. It is very complex. I think some people cannot think beyond a simple one...

Who is the Fool? Trump or Woodward?

According to CNBC, Bob Woodward reported that Trump told Gary Cohn, the former Goldman Sachs/director of the National Economic Council to just print more money to...

Influence & Ranks

COMMENT: Marty; Did you know that your site is listed in the top 20 economic sites in the world? You are in the top 20 with Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, London...

The Significance of the Velocity of Money

QUESTION: Greetings Marty, I have followed you since the old Money Radio days! Can you help me understand the disparity between the declining velocity of money, the...

Why are Robots Changing the Future?

QUESTION: Do you think that robots will eliminate a lot of jobs in the future? EH ANSWER: Yes. But you have to understand WHY are we even turning to robots. The...

Currency Inflation That Most Never Noticed

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I find your anecdotes fascinating and very enlightening how you always bought German cars and made money on them.  Is currency...