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Scared of the National Debt? You Should Be.

A new billboard launched in New York City’s Times Square is sounding the alarm on America’s growing national debt crisis. “Scared of the national debt? You...

Schwab Did Not Invent Stakeholder Economics

Everyone knows I became friends with Milton Friedman. Back in 1970, Milton exposed how Stakeholder Economics was inefficient and stupid long before Schwab claimed...

BlackRock Backtracks on Stakeholder Capitalism

BlackRock finally admitted that their ESG policies in the name of shareholder capitalism have been bad for business. “BlackRock’s business, scale and...

The Second Motive of the Migrant Crisis Revealed

I revealed how Democrats planned the deliberate invasion of America to secure votes for socialistic policies. There is a second motive that is not largely...

70% of American Cities in Debt – Pension Crisis will Cause Taxes to RISE

A study by Truth in Accounting (TIA) revealed that 70% of America’s largest cities fell into a deficit in fiscal year 2022. Out of the 75 cities studied, 53...

Yellen Believes People are Better off Post-Pandemic

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is proof that the establishment is completely clueless when it comes to the lives of the average citizen. “People are better off...

$50 Minimum Wage?

Lawmakers should be required by law to pass a financial literacy test before taking office. California has repeatedly raised the minimum wage as the cost of living...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Fabricated One-Third of Newly Created Jobs in 2023

The US government consistently lies on their jobs reports released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The agency initially cheered at the 3,140,000 new...

Why We Should Not Blame the Federal Reserve

One piece of analysis commonly misconstrued is the Federal Reserve’s role in the nation’s economic health. Even those who have the ability to piece together...

What Will the Fed do in 2024?

Everyone wants to know what the Federal Reserve will do in 2024. Of course, people want to believe that the Fed will slash interest rates in the New Year. The...