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BRICS the Rise & Fall

The first thing to go when a country is moving into economic crisis is the arts. This is intermixed with various social programs. As the economic crisis broadens,...


QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Up here in Canada, the politicians seem to not even talk about the NAFTA agreement being changed by Trump. Has something taken place behind...

Are Democrats/Left-Wing Parties Really Marxists?

QUESTION: Why do you paint the left/Democrats as really being Marxist? OP ANSWER: Marx is the one that started the entire focus on the class warfare. Keep in mind...

Interstate Banking & Changes to the Federal Reserve

QUESTION:  Hi Marty, You say, “The one-size-fits-all policy of central banks with regard to interest rates pits East v West in both Canada and the United...

Evidence of International Trade from the 12th Century

Some Archaeologists in France with the National Center for Scientific Research announced that they have unearthed a hoard of 2,200 silver deniers and oboles, 21...

Trump’s Tax Reform

    These days, US President Donald Trump is pushing his number one agenda of his term in office – major tax reform. Trump has been meeting with...

Idiots who try to control the world and blame everyone else for their failure

COMMENT: Ok Mr. Armstrong, this is nuts; You are starting to freak me out with this forecasting. The last 2 months has blown me away when a few more elements of...

What Came First? Cultivation or Cities?

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your One-World-Currency report. It was truly fascinating. From an academic perspective, what came first in the formation of...

Nonlinear Complexity – Too Much for Most People to Comprehend

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Martin Armstrong. Good day to you Martin. I know you are a very busy man, but I still like to send you emails time to time, hoping that you may...

Over 5 Million Government Employees Strike Against Fall of Socialism

In France, tens of thousands of people went to the streets for the first time in ten years in protest against Macron. All 5.4 million public employees went on...