QUESTION: Good morning Martin,recently you stated communism originated in France was wondering if you could give us a short history on that sometime.Keep up the...
QUESTION: Why do you support the fed in what you call elastic money and not a gold standard? ANSWER: As usual, you listen to the nonsense about how the Fed is owned...
The Debt Ceiling issue is back and of course people will sell the dollar as if the USA would actually default. The bulk of the debt is owned by the government so...
QUESTION: Martin, I started following your models shortly after college in 2000 when I entered the financial advisor world. I soon realized how clueless this...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you said that socialism is collapsing and the West is most vulnerable because it changed the social structure and the family unit. Spanish...
Economic events have the most interesting way of exposing economic theories and orthodoxies and how seriously flawed they truly are these days. The fixed-exchange...
QUESTION: Many people argue it is capitalism which is collapsing not socialism. How would your respond? ANSWER: Those people who say this is a failure of capitalism...
Healthcare costs have continued to outpace inflation and just about everything else within the economy. Generally speaking, prices rise when demand increases...
I have warned that 2015.75 was the peak in government and the two many industries that government subsidizes has created the decay within our American...
Trump has surrounded himself with a few people who believe that a new Bretton Woods conference will be necessary and they wrongly believe that a return to a...