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White House Ignores Inflation

No one expected the recent 25-basis point rise in rates to curb inflation in a meaningful way. There are numerous variables contributing to this situation that are...

One in Five of Americans Broke Before Payday

Inflation is at a 40-year high with no indication of slowing. People are feeling the lower buying power of the USD as one in five Americans now run out of liquid...

80% of Car Buyers Now Pay Above MSRP

Owning a car is quickly becoming a luxury as prices soar. The auto parts and chip shortage paired with the supply chain crisis has caused demand to surpass...

Biden: “What a Stupid Son of a…”

Remember two weeks ago when President Joe Biden called Fox News reporter Peter Doocy a “stupid son of a b****” for asking about inflation? “Will...

Inflation Reaches 40-Year High at 7.5%

The price of living in America is completely unsustainable. Inflation soared in January by 7.5%, marking the fastest pace of price gains since February 1982 when...


Shrinkflation is here to stay now that inflation has reached a 39-year high. It will be impossible for the Fed to tame the monster politicians have unleashed by...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Fed – January v March

PRIVATE BLOG – The Fed – January v March Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

Emerging Markets & Political Crisis Ahead

China has asked the Fed to please not raise rates. This has confused many to wonder when China would be asking the Fed not to raise rates. The real reason is the...

The Flight from Government – Public to Private

The annual New York Coin show auctions set some unbelievable records this year. This beautiful Dekadrachm of Syracuse which last year would have sold for $50,000,...

Taxes & Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Marty, you have said that when the currency collapses, all tangible things become money in a barter sense. I believe you were talking about the collapse...