Fear not! Stay in bed, wear a mask, order only takeout that is delivered, don’t bother working so you won’t need to pay taxes, sell your car to save the...
The Coup Against Trump because he was anti-war and “not one of us” is unraveling deeper and deeper corruption which is leading right to Gina Haspel who...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, what is your personal opinion about the rise of all this confrontation over a virus that has justified reducing all freedoms and rights? Do...
I had a professor who once said that two people were standing on top of the World Trade Center and a gust of wind blew them off the roof. The pessimist...
All of this controversy because Trump says testing for COVID should slow down and Fauci says no way. I have stated I made the mistake of going to an ER and all they...
QUESTION: What do you think of Bolton & his $2 million book deal? HS ANSWER: I have zero respect for Bolton and whatever he says I would never trust. Bolton is...
COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong, I notice only some of your Armstrong Economics blog postings are being put in your @StrongEconomics Twitter account. I had retweeted...
QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong: I apologize that I called you a fraud. Sometimes being a virgo is very hard. I became information overloaded and my tongue is very...