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The Good News!

Fear not! Stay in bed, wear a mask, order only takeout that is delivered, don’t bother working so you won’t need to pay taxes, sell your car to save the...

The 2016 Soft Coup Unraveling

The Coup Against Trump because he was anti-war and “not one of us” is unraveling deeper and deeper corruption which is leading right to Gina Haspel who...

My Personal Opinion

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, what is your personal opinion about the rise of all this confrontation over a virus that has justified reducing all freedoms and rights? Do...

Optimistic for the Future

  I had a professor who once said that two people were standing on top of the World Trade Center and a gust of wind blew them off the roof. The pessimist...

Happy 4th of July

I Miss the 4th of July Parties in London...

COVID Testing Going Nuts

All of this controversy because Trump says testing for COVID should slow down and Fauci says no way. I have stated I made the mistake of going to an ER and all they...

Bolton – A Relic Who Would Create World War III in a Heartbeat

QUESTION: What do you think of Bolton & his $2 million book deal? HS ANSWER: I have zero respect for Bolton and whatever he says I would never trust. Bolton is...

Re-Tweet Posts – No Problem

COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong, I notice only some of your Armstrong Economics blog postings are being put in your @StrongEconomics Twitter account. I had retweeted...

Creating a Different New World Order

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong: I apologize that I called you a fraud. Sometimes being a virgo is very hard. I became information overloaded and my tongue is very...