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We Can Win if we Understand the Game Plan

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have posted your model and warned that we are entering a period where totalitarianism is the objective into 2032. Can you explain...

World in Chaos In South Africa, the currency has fallen hard as riots have devasted the country. They looted the mall, except for the...

Mitt Romney sells $23.5M home after years fighting with neighbors

Mit Romney is finally selling his home on the beach and the neighbors are saying thank God. Romney moved in and tried to change the fact that he wanted people to be...

Keeping the Balance

COMMENT: Civil unrest is defivately rising, your models are so good at looking far into the future! With incidents like this, I really find it interesting reading...

Happy 4th


Give Me Liberty of Give Me Death

COMMENT:  Distrust of public health officials may be a major factor in people refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Nearly a third of Americans believe officials...

Are Veterinarians Part of the Insanity?

In trying to taker my dog to a Vet, I have encounter unbelievable arrogance and stupidity. Now, still, 9 out of 10 will not allow you to bring your pet inside. You...

John McAfee is Dead – Targeted for Selective Presecution

John David McAfee (1945 – June 23, 2021) is dead. He allegedly committed suicide in a Spanish jail cell where he was awaiting extradition to the United States....

Defund the Police = Totalitarian Agenda

QUESTION: Why is the left pushing to defund the police and make shoplifting not a crime under $1,000? I am leaving California. It has become an insane asylum that...

Singing Parrot & Animals

  Animals are fascinating. I have noticed with my dog she is very smart and she will communicate with her eyes. She gets a certain look and I know she is ready...