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Neil Young – Is He Just Anti-American or Another Elite Hard Leftist?

  QUESTION: What do you think of the Neil Young v Joe Rogan conflict? WQ ANSWER: Neil Young I believe is anti-American. Of course, he lives in Redwood City,...

Meat Loaf – A True Legend in his Time – Died

  Meat Loaf, Marvin Lee Aday, has died. He was 74. We met in Atlantic City years ago. I loved his music and he was a genuine guy. I express my condolences to...

Sex Trafficking v Epstein

A few people have questioned my comment on Virginia Giuffre saying she was a victim of sex trafficking. I totally disagree. Just watch the movie Taken which is...

The Fraud of Under 18

QUESTION: Marty, this seems to be maybe a loaded question. You have said that Epstein was probably a honey-trap because he was getting high-profile people involved....

Kazakhstan – NATO & The ECM into 2032

There is a confrontation in the wind. Sergei Ryabkov, Russia’s deputy foreign minister and special negotiator in the US-Russia talks in Geneva, bluntly states...

Did You Have Omicron Over Christmas?

Comment: The wife and I came down with om-moron-icron over Christmas, kids were fine. The family acted like it was a death sentence as we are a no vaccine home....

Fauci Has no Answer why to Force People Who Had Covid to Vaccinate

QUESTION: Marty; I had covid-19 and it was like the flu. Why do I have to now get vaccinated? I have never heard of getting the flu and then the doctor tells you to...

Two Generations Agreeing in Song

Here we have the opposite generations of artists singing songs about the same problem. I think this is fantastic for what you are listening to is showing that the...

Companionship in these Times Can Help

    COMMENT: I can tell by your daily posts, you need a break. What you are doing for us is second to none but no one can keep up the pace you’re on....