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Happy 4th


Give Me Liberty of Give Me Death

COMMENT:  Distrust of public health officials may be a major factor in people refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Nearly a third of Americans believe officials...

Are Veterinarians Part of the Insanity?

In trying to taker my dog to a Vet, I have encounter unbelievable arrogance and stupidity. Now, still, 9 out of 10 will not allow you to bring your pet inside. You...

John McAfee is Dead – Targeted for Selective Presecution

John David McAfee (1945 – June 23, 2021) is dead. He allegedly committed suicide in a Spanish jail cell where he was awaiting extradition to the United States....

Defund the Police = Totalitarian Agenda

QUESTION: Why is the left pushing to defund the police and make shoplifting not a crime under $1,000? I am leaving California. It has become an insane asylum that...

Singing Parrot & Animals

  Animals are fascinating. I have noticed with my dog she is very smart and she will communicate with her eyes. She gets a certain look and I know she is ready...

Selling the Invisible

OK, an Italian Artist sold an invisible statute for over $18,000 you can never see or touch. The buyer was given a certificate that he bought something that is not...

Is Being Canceled a Badge of Honor?

COMMENT: I find myself canceled. I think this is a new badge of honor! Anonymous REPLY: I fully agree. We are being targeted the same as those targeted by Stalin...

Biden, Trump & More Insanity

  I am sure that Joe Biden made another huge gaff. He actually just said that nobody making less than $400,000 will pay a penny in tax. I’m sure he meant...


QUESTION: Marty, do you believe in UFOs? HS   ANSWER: Yes, but I am not sure they are exclusively from other planets. It is hard to explain why they have not...