QUESTION: Hi Mr Armstrong, I have been a subscriber for several years and I appreciate your work. You mentioned that when the dust settles there will be pockets in...
QUESTION: Good afternoon Mr. Armstrong, First of all, thank you for all the information you give us on your blog so that we who are and live in third world...
QUESTION: Can you elaborate on the Mother of all Financial Crises? HV ANSWER: Sorry, no. I have put this together in a special report. I really do not wish to...
COMMENT: Was Y2K a possible problem ? I was programmer then systems programmer and Senior programmer for several companies in the late 1960’s into mid...
I attended the premiere of The Forum last night and got to meet those “elite” they spin such conspiracy theories about. Interestingly, the film will be...
QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong. I’ve learned more reading your blog last 4 years than working in finance for 20 years. As you say, the average employee in finance...
QUESTION: Socrates vs Aladdin I would like to start by saying thank you for all the knowledge in an altruist way you provide to the world. Reading your blog is part...
QUESTION: You have never actually stated what type of technology is behind Socrates. Is it a neural network? Have you accomplished something nobody else has yet...