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Armstrong Economics 101

Robo Trading v Human Trading

QUESTION: So is there any difference between a Robot and a person trading if they just follow the same system on a single market? ANSWER: Any system that is created...

The End of Diversification?

Recent years there has been a shift in how various assets classes are trading. There is emerging a high degree of positive correlation among various financial asset...

The Next Major Shift in Society

QUESTION: Do you see this new age of the internet destroying jobs that result in a Great Depression as you have illustrated with the advancement of the combustion...

The End of Keynesian-Monetarist Theory

QUESTION: Thank you for your great work. I have read this article where Kudlow says: White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow predicted that it is possible the...

Modern Monetary Theory & Why Central Banks are lost in the Wilderness without a Map

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Would you like to enlighten me on your stance on the Modern Market Theory that is being touted by some in finance and politics please? VV...

The Great Unknown

QUESTION: Martin, if Europe and Japan have destroyed their bond markets, would it be a good idea for them to get the government out of the bond market and have...

Economic Iliad & Odyssey

The term “iliad” in Greek mean a series of miseries or disastrous events and “Odyssey” meant a long wandering or voyage usually marked by...

The Student Suicide Rate Has Been Rising – the new Lost Generation

There have been studies on the riskiest jobs where stress causes higher rates of suicides. The medical profession seems to be at the top of the list, which now...

Are Two-Tier Monetary Systems a Possible Tool?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It seems few people even understand that there have been two-tier monetary systems. Do you think this can be a possible tool in the...

There Are No Coincidences – Why History Repeats

QUESTION: Martin Today is Palm Sunday. In mass, they said HE colluded with the Galilean’s. HE was found innocent by the Council. They said HE was a tax evader....